Dr. Jennifer S. Sandoval, Psy.D., CST
Licensed Clinical Psychologist PSY18127
Certified Sex Therapist
Providing Couple and Sex Therapy, Individual, and Family Therapy in Carlsbad, Del Mar, Carmel Valley, San Diego

At this time, Dr. Sandoval is only providing sessions via videoconferencing. Please call Dr. Sandoval with any specific questions (626) 590-9723
Welcome to my site! You've made the first step in your search for a therapist and you're on your way to living your best life. Therapy takes courage - and a willingness to operate from the best in you - and I consider it a privilege to be part of a person's healing. Feel free to contact me with any questions or to schedule an initial consultation. I look forward to connecting with you. Jennifer S. Sandoval, Psy.D.,
Welcome to my site! You've made the first step in your search for a therapist and you're on your way to living your best life. Therapy takes courage - and a willingness to operate from the best in you - and I consider it a privilege to be part of a person's healing. Feel free to contact me with any questions or to schedule an initial consultation. I look forward to connecting with you. Jennifer S. Sandoval, Psy.D.,
- 6994 El Camino Real, Suite 205-B, Carlsbad, CA 92009 Jen@DrJenSandov.com (626)590-9723